Fluffy Sourdough Challah Recipe | Resep Roti Challah

To a lot of people, making sourdough bread is very daunting, not to mention boring from all the wait time. But this sourdough challah proves otherwise. You don’t need to work your muscles that much because the dough needs very minimal kneading. However, you still need to be patient. Sourdough recipes take (longer) time. Once you taste the result, you know it’s worth waiting for. So soft, fluffy, and easier to digest. What’s not to love?

My challah is on the sweeter side, so you can decrease the amount of sugar if you wish. Not so much though, because it may alter the texture. Some people told me that challah is supposed to be torn, not sliced. Either way, this challah doesn’t disappoint. You can’t tell the difference from one made with instant yeast.

Tidak sedikit yang menganggap membuat roti sourdough itu repot dan membosankan karena harus menuggu lama. Tapi tidak dengan roti challah ini. Tidak perlu pegel mengulen karena memang tidak perlu diuleni sampai kalis betul. Hanya saja, harus tetap menunggu agak lama. Roti dengan sourdough butuh waktu untuk menyempurnakan proses fermentasinya. 

Sourdough Challah

30 grams sourdough starter
30 gram sourdough
50 grams water
50 gram air
100 grams all-purpose flour 
100 gram terigu protein sedang

Main Ingredient 
Bahan Utama
2 egg yolks 
2 kuning telur
1 egg
1 telur
50 grams water
50 gram air
60 grams sugar 
60 gram gula 
60 grams vegetable oil
60 gram minyak sayur
4 grams salt
4 gram garam
325 grams all-purpose flour 
325 gram terigu protein sedang 

How To:
Cara Membuat:
  1. Mix all levain ingredients until combined. Cover and let ferment until tripled.
  2. Campur rata bahan biang. Tutup dan diamkan sampai mengembang 3x lipat.

  3. Add main dough ingredients to levain. Mix and then knead until fully incorporated and becomes smooth dough, 5-8 minutes. Let sit in warm place for 2 hours.
    Tambahkan bahan utama ke dalam biang. Aduk lalu uleni sampai tercampur rata dan permukaan adonan mulus, 5-8 menit. Tutup dan diamkan di tempat hangat selama 2 jam. 

    Shape and ferment until tripled.
    Bentuk dan fermentasikan sampai mengembang 3x lipat.

  4. Preheat oven to 350F (180C). Brush dough with a mixture of an egg yolk and 1/2 tbsp water. Bake for 30-35 minutes or until nicely browned.
    Panaskan oven suhu 180C. Olesi adonan dengan campuran 1 kuning telur dan 1/2 sdm air. Panggang 30-35 menit atau minutes kecoklatan. 

    Happy Baking,

    Arti Jorgenson @ Dapur Makmur


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